Miguel Fajardo El Fenix Infusion Triple-pack

Miguel Fajardo El Fenix Infusion Triple-pack


Miguel Fajardo is Raw Material's on the ground expert and operations manager in Colombia. Dave visited El Fenix earlier this year for the Plant to Port course and Miguel mentioned he had performed an infusion experiment with a batch of Tabi (one of Miguel's favourite varieties). He was interested to see if and by how much a standard food flavouring could be absorbed by the seeds as they are going through fermentation and then if they would survive drying, storage, transport and roasting. He sourced two standard food-safe flavourings, Maracuya (passionfruit) and Mango, and diluted them as prescribed on the instructions and added the liquid to the fermentation tanks.

Dave asked if he could buy the coffees and Miguel smiled and said Si. We thought the best way to showcase this experiment was to pack them as a three-way process pack. There's only a limited amount of one of the coffees (a mis-handling at the dry mill) which means there's a limited number of the triple-packs.

The three coffees are 125g of each of the following:

  1. Anoxic (48hr) washed Tabi (RM's low oxygen fermentation)
  2. Tabi Infused with Maracuya (passionfruit)
  3. Tabi infused with Mango and Maracuya with added Mosto from Wush-wush fermentation.

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