El Placer 'Red Fruits' CM Honey

  • Tasting Notes Red starburst, strawberry jelly, rum
  • Location Qiundo, Colombia
  • Elevation 1744 M
  • Details Honey CM 'red fruits' Pink Bourbon

Yes, he's back for another year. Another fabulous coffee from our friend Sebastian Ramirez and his coffee farm El Placer.

Sebastian is a 4th generation Colombian coffee farmer who has been running his family estate for over a decade. El Placer means "The Pleasure" in English, and the farm is located in the heart of El Eje Cafetero (the coffee zone) in Calarcá, Quindío at an elevation of 1750m. We visited Sebastian back in July of 2022 and since then have formed a strong bond and have been lucky to offer a few different coffees from him since then.

Last year we had the Caturra version of this Red Fruits processed coffee. This year it's the Pink Bourbon lot with red fruits added the the fermentation stage and dried as a honey with the mucilage intact. Sebastian's processes aren't 'standard', and are designed to create unique and interesting flavour profiles using a ingenious mix of a great starting material (beans), CO2 (for Carbonic Maceration), natural extractions of local fruits and herbs and carefully controlled fermentation and drying phases.

We only secured a small amount of this special coffee so it won't be around for long.



Sebastian and his team have a sustainable approach to farming, avoiding herbicides and removing weeds every 2 months. They prioritise soil health, which results in healthy plants and noticeably translates to the cup level. Sebastián also supports Bienestar Animal, a foundation that cares for abandoned animals and has adopted several rescued animals, giving them a new home at his farm. If you've been following us or Sebastian directly, you'll know his beautiful cattle dog Nina never left his side... until late 2023 when she sadly passed away. This coffee is for her.


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